Sunday, September 25, 2011

Harvest Day at Tipi Creek 2011

September 24 was the last harvest day at Tipi Creek CSA for 2011.  We look forward to this every year.  Our Thanksgiving dinner is planned largely around what we take home that day.

Of the three years we have been members of the Tipi Creek CSA, this was the least productive.  You'll remember that May through July was cold, wet, and dreary.  While this was mitigated to some extent by the sheer variety of vegetables grown, overall we ended up with a lot less produce than in previous years.  That being said, with August and September being hot and sunny, we still had a fantastic final harvest day.

Here's more information on Tipi Creek:
Below are some photos from the harvest day.  Thank you, Ron and Yolande, for filling our larder with fantastic vegetables.  Can't wait for next year.

Dry Cherokee Beans

Picking the Cherokee beans

A basket of dried Cherokee beans


Corn tassles

A brimming bag of corn cobs

Lisa enjoys an ear of corn straight from the stalk

Cabbage (my favourite...)

A wagon of cabbage heads

 A truck load of cabbage heads

Cabbage's Half-Brother, Kohlrahbi 

Beet's Half-Brother, Chard


The Pumpkin Patch


1 comment:

  1. Great post! Loved reading your price comparison... a real eye opener O_O Hope you've enjoyed your bounty :)
